AfghanFashion.Com company is located in California U.S.A. There are other names associated with this company such as AfghanOnlineBazaar.com,Afghanclothes.com, and Afghanfashions.com. We do not have branches, stores, or locations anywhere else around the world except California, U.S.A. The purpose of creating this website was to reach all Afghans around the world, as well as anyone who has passion for multicultural fashion. It is for those with a heart filled of love for Afghan culture and a desire to express it through their outfits. Our goal is to provide you with the best of quality customer service, satisfaction guaranteed. The designs are new, beautiful, unique, and part of the best representatives of Afghan traditional attire. The quality of work is unmatchable with a price that beats any competitive market. We are more than happy to match the pricing of a competitor if same design and embroidery work is found at a lower price, although we ensure you that anything on our website would be difficult to find elsewhere with each being exclusively designed. For questions and concerns, please reach the owner directly by sending emails to info@afghanfashion.com or call/text/whatsapp/viber   +1510 449 9411 .